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LBMC人力资源解决方案致力于为合适的人找到合适的工作. 我们专注于将候选人安置在五个关键学科: 1) accounting and finance, 2) executive administrative, 3) human resources, 4) information technology, and 5) LBMC executive talent.

Recruiting services to make the better match

Cookies and milk

自1998年以来,我们采取了不同的招聘和人员配置解决方案. We’re about more than filling vacancies. 通过考虑公司和候选人的独特需求, 我们不只是撮合一对,我们是撮合更好的一对. 我们知道,合适的人选意味着超越技术技能和书面证书. 这就是为什么明升体育app下载资格认证过程旨在为招聘公司和候选人创造双赢的局面.

我们在以下五个领域提供直接招聘、合同招聘和合同转招聘服务: accounting and finance, executive administration, human resources, information technology, and LBMC executive talent. 我们安排的候选人范围很广,从高级管理人员到初级员工. 感谢我们与田纳西州最大的专业服务公司的合作, 你可以信赖我们,我们会在招聘表的两边都有推荐的渠道.

明升体育app下载终身招聘服务团队在他们招聘的领域有第一手的经验, 使他们能够为每个岗位带来明升app,并对每个市场的可用人才有一个受过教育的观点. 另外,我们感兴趣的不仅仅是填补职位空缺然后继续前进. 我们以真诚的关心和关注对待每一次约会,因为我们重视在匹配完成后持续发展的关系和联系.


Link to Sherrie Recruiting Services & Staffing

Sherrie Whatton

President/CEO, Staffing Solutions

phone icon email icon Chattanooga Knoxville Nashville
phone icon email icon Chattanooga Knoxville Nashville
Link to Daysha Recruiting Services & Staffing

Daysha Carver


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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Britt Recruiting Services & Staffing

Britt Cumbie


phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Debbie Recruiting Services & Staffing

Debbie Elliott


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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Lindsay Recruiting Services & Staffing

Lindsay Head


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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Allison Recruiting Services & Staffing

Allison McGaha


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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Walt Recruiting Services & Staffing

Walt Morgan

Executive Recruiter, Staffing Solutions

phone icon email icon Knoxville
phone icon email icon Knoxville
Link to Marion Recruiting Services & Staffing

Marion Schreiner

Financial Recruiter, Staffing Solutions

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Gina Recruiting Services & Staffing

Gina Scott


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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Mary Ann Recruiting Services & Staffing

Mary Ann Shanks


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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Estrela Recruiting Services & Staffing

Estrela Shear

Recruiting Associate, Staffing Solutions

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Brooke Recruiting Services & Staffing

Brooke Thurman

Recruiting Associate, Staffing Solutions

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Nancy Recruiting Services & Staffing

Nancy Windley

Financial Recruiter, Staffing Solutions

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville


LBMC Staffing Solutions is a member of the American Association of Finance & Accounting (AAFA). Through an exclusive membership, LBMC将在田纳西州代表AAFA,并将成为该州唯一一家加入该著名组织的人员配备和招聘公司. As Tennessee’s singular AAFA member, LBMC将代表田纳西州的中东和东部市场, including Nashville, Knoxville and Chattanooga, where the firm has offices.

AAFA是一个独立拥有的招聘公司的集合, just like ours, 谁的重点是服务于他们的地区,与我们为您提供的搜索专业知识相同. 一个专门从事财务和会计专业人才招聘和人员配置的猎头公司联盟, AAFA代表着美国40多个市场.S. and Canada. Through the AAFA, LBMC将有机会接触到数百名会计和金融专业招聘人员, 他们每个人都把当地的知识带到他们的搜索中. 这种专业关系不仅让我们有机会接触到招聘行业中一些最好的企业主, but entrée to their marketplaces.

这一关键联盟将使LBMC能够为其雇主客户和候选人提供宝贵的资源, contacts and connections via the AAFA network. LBMC的雇主客户将有机会获得有兴趣搬迁到田纳西州中东和东部的资格预审和预先筛选的候选人, 而希望搬迁到其他市场的候选人将受益于介绍给AAFA在这些市场的分支机构.


如果您有会计和财务招聘需求,需要本地知识和服务类型,您可以从LBMC人员配置解决方案中获得期望的关注, 我们强烈建议你方给我们机会,以你方的名义利用明升体育app下载联系.

Client Success Story

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Matt McCauley, Logo Brand

Client Success Story

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Phil Clark, EnableComp

Contact Us

Nashville Headquarters:
201 Franklin Road,
Brentwood, TN 37027

Phone: 615-377-4600

Office Hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday-Friday

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1869,
Brentwood, TN 37024-1869

605 Chestnut Street, Suite 1100
Chattanooga, TN 37450

2095 Lakeside Centre Way, Suite 220
Knoxville, TN 37922

Candidates (Looking for a job?) – Use the Applicant Portal to see jobs list and send us your resume.

Employers/Clients – Use form below.